People in Massachusetts are seeing empty nip bottles all over the streets, as it has become one of the most commonly littered items in the state.
There has been a lot of controversy on what the solution should be. Many states have completely banned nip bottles as a whole, which has already affected small businesses.
States like Maine and cities like Chelsea, Massachusetts have already banned nip bottles. Other places like Sandwich and Woburn Massachusetts have considered a bill to ban the small bottles used for alcoholic beverages.
The second solution is House Bill 2881 which states that “A 5 cent deposit on a bottle of 100ml or lower of alcohol will be placed.” Officials believe that it will decrease littering by 90 percent.
Former Westfield State University student Kayla Mahar brought up how Massachusetts should just ban them as a whole. She believes that “People who litter regularly aren’t going to halter their littering habits just from a single bill.”
She also brought up a solution for small businesses. She says that “To make up for the stores’ liquor losses the government could issue a subsidy in the first year that nips are banned.”
According to small businesses like Horizon Beverage, nip bottles are 20% of their sales. Mahar believes that percentage could be covered because “The majority of people don’t go to the liquor store solely for nip bottles.”
Westfield junior, Nicky Bartlett, has personal experience of depositing cans and plastics and making money out of it.
She believes that the government should follow through with House Bill 2881, as it will help decrease the amount of litter.
“It would encourage people to pick them off the side of the road while searching for cans to deposit,” she said. In this situation, it could be a win-win for everyone.
Both students interviewed rarely buy nip bottles, but believe that it is definitely becoming an environmental issue. They both noted that everywhere they go, nip bottles are always on the side of the roads.
Another WSU alumni, Ashley Viera, believes that the bill would benefit college students. Viera says that, “Most college students can use this opportunity to make up for the money they lost buying alcohol or even use the money to buy more.”
Overall, it depends on the people of Massachusetts and what they’re willing to do for the environment that will push the government’s decision.