I just finished watching Cowboy Bebop for the first time. While I had seen some anime from the same time period as this before, this series is a prime example of a classic anime from the 90s. While I had heard of it before, I was not expecting it to be as good as it was. While at times while watching through it felt too long or too slow, it then picks back up and pulls you right back in. I also really liked the aesthetic this series goes for. It might be one of the earliest examples in media of neo-noir and sci-fi noir. It feels similar to blade runner, but has more of a bluesy feel to it, which feels unique. This series feels like Tom Waits wrote a sci-fi noir series. This series also has such a good soundtrack, and it fits perfectly with the aesthetic the show is going for. I also liked the characters, getting to see them grow and change as they work together as bounty hunters. Spike’s arc especially was really enjoyable, especially with how it ends. I highly recommend this series both to people who are already anime fans, as well as people new to anime.