This past Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the WSU Musical Theater Guild performed the song cycle “Edges.” A song cycle is similar to a musical, for it’s a collection of songs performed together that share a common theme. However, it does not have a plot like a musical does. “Edges,” by Benji Pasek and Justin Paul, deals with coming-of-age topics such as love, commitment, identity, and meaning.
The song cycle was directed by Mitchell McKittrick and Renee St. Jacques. It featured six performers, who each sang songs that demonstrated the struggles involved with getting older.
Performers featured were Taylor Beamenderfer, Joe Braverman, Holden Nelson, Abbey Pelland, Lizzie Poehlman, and Emily Stratton. The cycle was made up of 13 songs, which included solos, duets, and group numbers.
The performance was well-received, and the hard work of the cast and crew was evident throughout the performance. A student who attended Thursday said her favorite aspect was how it “told many stories,” and “it was overall very well done and the cast was very talented.”