“It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!” – Alice In Wonderland
Photos By: Angela Tindell-Gula
I can vividly recall the first time I watched Alice In Wonderland. I was already short, so the idea of everything being bigger than me wasn’t something that frightened me; in fact it was the complete opposite. To go to a place as vivid and colorful as I already viewed the world, to have tea time with a rabbit and a mad hatter was something I had hoped would become a part of my reality. I was convinced I’d win over the Queen of Hearts with our similar stature and my sparkling good humor and once I got into high school, I thoughtfully believed that I would have made the Cheshire Cat’s smoke rings look like a light mist compared to what I could do—but that my fellow wanderers is a story for another time.
Amongst all of life’s chaos, I am always looking for some kind of distraction from reality, a nice little escape that is within my budget and travel limitations. This is when I find myself diving back down the TikTok rabbit hole (pun intended) to find some more inspiration of where my feet—or my car— can take me next.
So, where are we off to this week my fellow wanderers? You always ask that at just the right time. Franklin Zoo in Boston, Massachusetts for a night of frolicking through the giants and lights—Boston Lights.