Wub-a-lub-a-dub-dub! The popular animated Adult Swim series, Rick And Morty, created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon is returning for its five-episode long fourth season on Sunday, November 10th of this year. The show follows Rick Sanchez, a genius, alcoholic scientist and his grandson, Morty Smith from Dimension C-137. The duo go on adventures travelling across infinite dimensions with a push of a button on Rick’s portal gun. Wacky, memorable characters come along the way, such as Mr. Meeseeks and Mr. Poopy Butthole.
Rick & Morty certainly has its own unique style of humor. With Rick’s weird catchphrases and improvised bits like interdimensional cable, how could you not laugh? There is also some dark humor in the scripts but that’s to be expected from an adult show. Yes, the show is meant to be a comedy, but there are also some deep, emotional aspects to it as well. For example, in the season two finale, Beth expresses how hurt she is about Rick leaving her family all those years ago.
As far as my personal opinion of Rick & Morty goes, it’s one of my all time favorite shows. When my brother initially introduced it to me, I didn’t like it because I thought it was dumb and just overall not that funny. However, after watching a few more episodes, it grew on me. After a two-year long wait, I’m very excited to see what’s in store for the fourth season.
One thing that I hope will be in season four is a continuation of the Citadel storyline. For those who may not know, there is another dimension that is populated entirely by various Ricks and Mortys. It’s a dystopian-like city where one of the Mortys, who is a corrupt politician with dark secrets, gets elected as president. I’m curious as to what these secrets are, so maybe those will be revealed. Perhaps this particular conflict will end up playing a much bigger part in the overall plot. Although there will only be five episodes this coming season, it has been assured by the writers that they are already working on season five.