Getting off my yoga mat for the 30th time, my cheeks were flushed a bright pink, and my heart pumped with proud joy. The sun was setting outside my New Hall window, and on my 30-day yoga journey. I slowly rolled up my mat and reflected on the last month.
The first day of the new year, I sprawled out my old busted purple yoga mat over my dog-hair-covered living room carpet, and clicked on a YouTube video.
I got into yoga for the first time last semester because I wanted to find an exercise I enjoyed, but I was more curious to explore the “life-changing effects” that yogi’s experience.
Through daily discipline, I completed 30 yoga videos in 34 days. YouTube and time were the only tools needed to accomplish a goal like this, but it was difficult.
Not because of the movements on the mat, but because it was difficult to actually take time for myself each day. When we are so busy, self-care is often overlooked and put at the bottom of our to-do lists. I was challenged to make it a priority.
I took time lapses of me doing the video practices as a creative incentive!

Each yoga video was only 15-40 minutes long, but what I did during the short time on the mat reflected on the rest of my day. Yoga brings awareness to the body and mind, and I found myself bringing that awareness with me wherever I went! When I was at work, with family or friends, or doing anything really. Yoga practice helps with focus and letting go. I now see myself focusing on tasks more and letting go of unnecessary thoughts and feelings.
Adriene, from Yoga With Adriene, tells us that “yoga is really the art of waking up. It can be that simple.” A life lived consciously, in the moment, and awake to all the things that matter is a great way to live. Yoga has grown my sense of awareness, helped me love my authentic self, and live mindfully. I also gained flexibility, physical strength, and mental strength.
Adriene tells us to “move like you love yourself” which is an impactful thing to conceptualize each time you lay the mat out. We hear how yoga and meditation are good for you, but try it yourself and see that the physical and mental benefits are truly worth it.