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The Westfield Voice

The Student News Site of Westfield State University

The Westfield Voice

The Westfield Voice

Snowy Memory Lane

Snowy Memory Lane

Abby Taylor February 13, 2019

“Wanna leave at 9 for Dunks?” I asked Sam as she colored her eyebrows. “Yeah I should be ready by then.” In big coats and backpacks we didn’t have to say goodbye because we are so obviously the...

The Nameless

The Nameless

Jack Hislop December 8, 2018

The child was born alone in the darkness. Born from what, even it could not tell. No mother, no father, nothing living at all, Not even a broken egg shell The first thought on its mind Was...

A Reflection on Technology Through Poems

A Reflection on Technology Through Poems

November 30, 2018

Emily Hopkins Dear iPhone Dear iPhone, Why are you always attached to me? Or am I attached to you? My thoughts trail off too easily, and I blame you. There are so many of you, yet...

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