On Saturday February 22, the Environmental Planning Club hosted a free trip to Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory & Gardens in Deerfield, MA.
Before seeing the butterfly room, the group of 25 Westfield State students attended a private informational talk. Here, students learned all about the difference between moths and butterflies, their life stages, how they reproduce, migration patterns, and how they keep their conservatory filled with over 4,000 butterflies.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”9″ gal_title=”Magic Wings”]The tour leader took everyone through a gallery of different insects, amphibians, and reptiles, leading them closer to the giant butterfly room.
The students hung up their winter layers before entering the 80° butterfly conservatory. As the students walked into the floral greenhouse, butterflies were flying freely amongst the trees everywhere they looked.

Sometimes the butterflies would even land on students, and would acquire a little hitchhiker for a while. Bright colors, especially red, seemed to attract the most butterflies, but they landed on almost everyone.

Magic Wings has large gift shop with cocoons and chrysalis for sale to take home and grow moths or butterflies of your own.
The Environmental Planning Club outing was a success. For more information on the club and future events, contact Gillian Pinciaro at [email protected]