Westfield State University Figures Club hosts an exceptional group of students members. The club centers on community services that provide positive role models for children in Westfield and surrounding communities. Their emphasis is on children in need of extra support. The club was founded in 2018 by club President Kendall Mitchell, and co-President Alyssa McKim.
“We came up with the name ‘Figures Club’ because we wanted to be seen as positive figures/role models for children to look up to.” McKim stated, “We thought about how kids look up to one main figure in their lives, and we wanted to be that for them!”
The club is involved with many activities throughout the year. One activity included making tie blankets for foster homes. Last year the club worked with homes in Rutland, VT. This year the club is working with foster homes in West Springfield, MA.

(Photo courtesy of Westfield State Figures Club)
In the fall of 2018, Figures Club participated in Pumpkin Fest where they volunteered with games and vendors. This fall the club did trunk or treat for the children.
During the Christmas season, Figures Club members volunteered for “Breakfast with Santa” in partnership with Circle K club, another club on campus, which founded the event.
Members of the club have also been corresponding with children through their Pen Pal initiative. The Blue Monarch is a residential program in Tennessee for single mothers.
“Pen Pals is a really awesome, ongoing, monthly activity with a facility in Tennessee, for single mothers who have or are dealing with abuse, addiction and other issues.” Mitchell continued, “As well as their children who live with them in this facility, it’s really about supporting the children in their journey.”
On Wednesday, Feb. 5 the members received letters back from their pen pals. Genuine enthusiasm filled the air as they received responses from the children. It is evident the members hold this cause dear to their hearts.

One member, Laurel learned about the Figures Club while attending a club fair on campus. “I knew some of the members, that’s why I decided to join.” Laurel continued, “All the volunteer work we do is really fun, so it keeps me interested.”
Laurel’s friend Courtney, who has been a club member since her sophomore year, shared, “Being able to go to the YMCA, being with the children, and to play with them” is why she enjoys being part of the club.
Figures Club members volunteer monthly at the YMCA and on Feb 12 conducted a special Valentine’s arts & crafts event with the children.

(Photo courtesy of Westfield State Figures Club)
The club’s latest endeavor has been working with the children at Lambert Lavoie Elementary School in Chicopee, MA. They recently dropped off their first batch of pen pal letters for the children, and are now in the process of planning a meeting with the children for an ice cream social.
Club meetings are held at 7:00pm every other Wednesday in room 044 in the Ely basement. Meetings are typically kept short and organized with a pre-planned agenda. “We create a family environment that is fun and engaging,” said Media Coordinator John Collins. He continued, “It’s great because when one person comes, they usually bring their friends, so attendance has been great.”
Their next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 4 at 7:00pm.
Follow Figures Club on Instagram @wsufiguresclub and on Facebook at WSU Figures Club.