On Friday, September 17th, the CAB program was able to have people be transported to Amelia Park Arena for an ice skating party from 9-11 pm. This event ran really smoothly and everyone seemed to be having a good time, whether they knew how to ice skate or not. There was a bus that seemed to run pretty much on time, and transportation was free. The price of the skates to rent was $3 and the only fee students had to pay.
I personally had never ice skated before and I felt that everyone who had previously done so was really friendly and helpful for everyone who seemed to be struggling. Some people stood on the sidelines who didn’t want to skate but, instead were helping people on and off the ice. They also were giving people ice skating helpers to get started. What surprised me the most during all that is how they weren’t workers but Westfield State students. The night was a really fun one and was done really productively. I have learned that usually there is one of these ice skating parties per semester, so I am excited to go to the next one and I hope to see others there too!